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Count your days

You have made each of my days as long as a hand is wide. My whole life is nothing in Your eyes. Every man at his best is only a breath. (Psalms 39:5, NIV).

You have made each of my days as long as a hand is wide. My whole life is nothing in Your eyes. Every man at his best is only a breath. (Psalms 39:5, NIV).

We all have had near death or death experiences, ether our own or someone we love, and it leads to a few essential questions: What is life all about? Why am I alive? What am I living for?

All of us need some motivating passion, something that gives our lives purpose. Unfortunately, some people don’t know what they’re living for.

Many people are only killing time instead of enjoying life. “Someday” is their favourite day of the week. “Someday my ship will come in. Someday it’s all going to get better. Someday my life will change.” A recent study revealed that 94 per cent of people surveyed were simply enduring the present while “waiting for something better to happen.”

Most people don’t plan on death coming soon. When you’re young, you tell yourself, “I don’t have to even think about that for another 50 years.” And that may be true. But death knocks at every door. The Bible says that each of us has an appointment with death: “People are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment” (Hebrews 9:27 NIV).

Maybe your appointment comes much later in life. On the other hand, it may come much sooner.

It boils down to this: live everyday as though you may never have another one. Live ready to step into God’s presence at any moment.