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Taxed to death

Editor: Re: Accountability sadly lacking from those we elect to serve, Community Comment, April 13 I totally agree with Greg Hoover's opinion about taxes and no accountability.


Re: Accountability sadly lacking from those we elect to serve, Community Comment, April 13

I totally agree with Greg Hoover's opinion about taxes and no accountability. We are taxed to death and it's the lower and middle income working people paying the most.

People who have to live far from their jobs because of income and high house prices are subjected to higher gas prices, with poor cross-town transit and now possibly road pricing. Stop it. Our taxes should pay for this stuff instead of overpriced bureaucrats and multi-layer governments. The money is there. If you're going to toll something, make it reasonable, a buck or two. 

I keep saying the only way we will get responsible government in our two-party provinces is to run and elect independents in your riding. Even 10 or so members would make our government responsible to taxpayer who are their bosses.

We need to take back control of our government instead of realtors, fish farmers and the taxi industry. Vote for independents. 

Richard J. Bergeron