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Youth at risk with Liberal plan to legalize pot

Editor: There is no doubt in my mind that the proposal by the prime minister to legalize marijuana has not been well thought out, especially with the devastating drug problems we are now facing.


There is no doubt in my mind that the proposal by the prime minister to legalize marijuana has not been well thought out, especially with the devastating drug problems we are now facing.

The effect of narcotics on the development of the brain has been well researched. Scientific studies have proven that mental disorders, schizophrenia, suicides, etc. are much higher among those who take these drugs than those who do not.

Postnatal brain development occurs over a long period that lasts into adolescence and some say into the 20s. Our youth are at risk. We certainly do not need more soft drugs on the street that are available to an impressionable age group trying to cope with their own stresses at school, at home, on the street, etc.

My experience in the criminal justice system has given me a firsthand look at the future young people face when drawn into the drug culture. The roots of dependency and addiction are easily established and extremely difficult to break. Consider the many families that have gone through this undeniable horror that has taken young lives.

I am absolutely appalled that our prime minister has proposed this legislation. He appears to have no insight into the very real consequences that can prevail. It is extremely naive of him to think this will solve or alleviate our drug use/addiction problems.

The police have a hard enough time dealing with drinking/distracted drivers, how can they possibly discern whether a driver has used marijuana and to what effect it has had on the ability to safely drive the vehicle? How can you gauge the effect of second hand smoke? There has been no reliable evidence that a system to accurately detect and evaluate the amount of marijuana is available.

Since the majority of marijuana grown is smoked and smoking causes cancer, the net effect will be to encourage more smoking.

This is real. Has this been considered?

No amount of political rhetoric can justify or rationalize the consequences (many) that are real and predictable. Monies obtained by the government will pale in comparison to the health costs that will be incurred.

Sanctioning the use of marijuana by legalising it is not the way to come down hard on drug use. Acquiescing to those already engaged in the use of marijuana might help in a partisan sense, but it completely misses the mark when a more thought out and comprehensive evaluation is in order.

A.T. Munro