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Thankful heart

The fields are ready for harvest and gleaning. Wool-capped children wander pumpkin mazes. It's Thanksgiving in Canada, a wonderful time to celebrate. Each day we rise to greet the morning and we give thanks for the possibilities that lie ahead.

The fields are ready for harvest and gleaning. Wool-capped children wander pumpkin mazes. It's Thanksgiving in Canada, a wonderful time to celebrate.

Each day we rise to greet the morning and we give thanks for the possibilities that lie ahead.

We hope for the opportunities that will bring us joy and celebration. We pray for the strength to overcome temptations in our lives.

We think, not only of ourselves, but of others who have been a blessing to us.

We give thanks for our community that supports a very abundant and comfortable lifestyle.

We remember, too, many who are struggling this day. What can we do to bring Thanksgiving into their lives?

One simple idea seems to work for me - perhaps it would for you too? I try to engage the world with a smile, rather than a frown. No, really, it makes a difference.

My grandmother had a little plaque on her wall that said, "A thankful heart doeth good like a medicine..."

That motto served her well during the bleakest days of war; perhaps it can do the same for us?

When it comes to having a thankful heart, there are no Thanksgiving leftovers, only fresh expressions of joy.