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In the Community

Free babysitting at church

Are you a last minute shopper or do you just need a bit of spare time to do some extra house cleaning, baking or just plain need a break? As a special service to the community, Ladner Baptist Church is offering free babysitting at the church on Satur

Calendar supports local charities

Annual Rotary undertaking also gives buyers chance to win cash prizes

Jameson tops riding club awards

Delta Riding Club celebrated another successful year of competition with a potluck dinner at the Odd Fellows Hall in Ladner earlier this month.

Celebrate a life by decorating tree at Delta Hospice centre

Annual tradition allows public to pay tribute to loved one

Christmas traditions set for weekend in Ladner

It will feel a lot more festive in Ladner after this weekend's annual Christmas events. The Ladner Business Association kicks off the holiday season Friday with the annual tree lighting at 7 p.m. at the corner of 48th Avenue and Delta Street.
Photos: Delta Christian students help out at food bank

Photos: Delta Christian students help out at food bank

Computer help at libraries

The Tsawwassen Library is offering dropin courses to help novice computer users get comfortable with the Internet The hands-on, 60minute courses are on Wednesdays from 9 to 10 a.m. They're open to everyone and registration is not required.

Bookstore Day on Dec. 3

Black Bond Books in Ladner, along with local children's author Darlene Foster, will take part in Take Your Child to a Bookstore Day on Saturday, Dec. 3.

Special gifts

Imagine an alien reporter from a far off planet visits your home for December. Their mission: find out about Christmas so the alien's people can adopt this festival they know nothing about.

Carlene Lewall is named Delta Citizen of the Year

Carlene Lewall joined an impressive list of Deltans Friday night as she was named Citizen of the Year at the Delta Chamber of Commerce annual Hats of to Excellence gala.