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In the Community

Firefighters hold out boots for MD

Delta firefighters will be holding out their boots in support of Muscular Dystrophy Canada at several locations today and tomorrow.

Deltassist holding AGM next week in North Delta

Deltassist's annual general meeting is set for 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 28 at the social services agency's North Delta office, 9097 Scott Rd.

All kinds of baby information in one place at inaugural fair

Expectant parents, new parents, grandparents and families are invited to attend the inaugural South Delta Baby Fair next month.

Time running out on Mini-Home Lottery

Less than one week remains to buy tickets in the Delta Hospital Foundation's Mini-Home Lottery. With over 75 per cent sold, purchasers must get their tickets by 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 27 to be eligible to win.

Naturalists from all over B.C. to gather in Delta next week

Naturalists will descend on South Delta next week. The Delta Naturalists' Society is hosting, for the first time ever, the B.C. Nature Weekend and Fall General Meeting from Sept. 29 to Oct. 2. It's not open to the public.

Entertainment at libraries for Monday's Pro-D Day

Children in primary grades and their parent/caregiver(s) are invited to drop by their local library on Monday, the first non-instructional day of the new school year.

Show your spelling talent by taking part in bees at both local libraries

Spelling enthusiasts who are currently in grades 6 or 7 are invited to showcase their skills by competing in the Fraser Valley Regional Library's Sport of Spelling.
PHOTOS: Annual Terry Fox run in Tsawwassen

PHOTOS: Annual Terry Fox run in Tsawwassen

Behind the Cover returns to libraries

Behind the Cover returns to both the Tsawwassen and Ladner libraries next week.

Tele-workshop to discuss Driving and Dementia

Caregivers to get valuable advice