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Minister's Minute: How to be different

Proverbs 21:23 Watch your words and hold your tongue; you’ll save yourself a lot of grief.
Hope on the horizon

Do you find it a challenge to be different, especially during the last couple of years?

It feels like the world expects us all to have the same opinions, and if we differ we get attacked. I have some biblical advice for you…Save your words for those who will hear your heart.

Proverbs 21:23 Watch your words and hold your tongue; you’ll save yourself a lot of grief.

At times we can all feel misunderstood. We get frustrated by a wrong judgment, annoyed by a decision that is based on wrong information. Yet often, it’s these moments that are some of our most defining experiences, not because of what was said but because of our response.

When Jesus was wrongly accused he didn’t waste words in worthless arguments. When his disciples were rejected he told them to stay silent and move on. Jesus was teaching them how to save the fight for what matters and to leave conversations that will never further the cause, but could cause unnecessary casualties. The hardest times to be quiet and not have your say is when you have every reason to have your say. But ask yourself this question. Will my response heal or hurt this situation? Will my retaliation make me feel better or make the situation better? Who is in charge of my response right now, my feelings or my faith?

As hard as it can be, sometimes the best response is no response. Just let it go, knowing God sees it all and is over it all. Trust, instead of stress and save your words for those who will hear your heart and see what’s true. Don’t allow a wrong judgement to drive you to justify yourself. Instead continue to be a blessing. Sow kindness, and live in the freedom that comes when your value is not in what others say about you, but in the knowledge of what God is doing in you.