The City of Delta has issued a request for proposals for a consultant produce a new cemeteries master plan.
The city currently operates two cemeteries, the Boundary Bay Cemetery on 56 Street in Tsawwassen and the North Delta Cemetery on Brooke Road.
The city notes it wants to ascertain the amount and extent of expansion lands needed over the next 25 years to meet the community’s needs, including land acquisition and expansion opportunities that could include the potential for a third Delta cemetery.
The plan is to also consider, among other things, cultural needs and green and bio-degradable burials.
If the city also wants to know if it is determined that cemetery expansion is not a priority, what options would be available for the community.
The analysis is to identify recent and projected population growth and mortality trends, the ethnic and religious profile of community members, cremation and casket burial rates and the degree of community preference for the cemetery’s offerings.
Earlier this year, the city issued a request for bids for a contractor to undertake physical upgrades to existing hard and soft landscaped areas at the Boundary Bay Cemetery
Ten years ago, council approved a $1 million contract to upgrade both the Boundary Bay Cemetery and the North Delta Cemetery, a project that was the result of a public consultation process that began two years prior.