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What are you up to this summer?

Friday marks the first day of summer. From holidays and back yard barbecues to heading out to the beach and playing at the water park, there is usually plenty to do in the sunny summer weather. The Optimist asked: Kelly Calder Gardening.

Friday marks the first day of summer. From holidays and back yard barbecues to heading out to the beach and playing at the water park, there is usually plenty to do in the sunny summer weather. The Optimist asked:

Kelly Calder

Gardening. I have a veggie garden that I use in the winter.

Linda (Gramsie) Sever Hopefully looking after my grandchildren and doing crafts and fun stuff with them. Enjoying the sunshine, gardens, local stuff.

Jackie Byrn

I'm volunteering for the Tour de Delta. And I'm looking forward to shopping at every Ladner Village Market. And visiting with family and friends.

Cyril Best

I plan to travel around the province a little. We're newcomers to B.C. I plan on seeing a little bit of the province and a little bit south of the border as well.

Linda Sorge

Celebrating the summer solstice with a summer feast, as the First Nations do. We give thanks to our creator for bringing on a new season because we need it to survive.