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Blog: Our beliefs can change our lifestyles

Can you commit to your journey of new beliefs? For change to happen you’ll have to make a few personal habit changes. Talk different. Read different material. Walk in a different direction. Be different.

Can you commit to your journey of new beliefs? For change to happen you’ll have to make a few personal habit changes. Talk different. Read different material. Walk in a different direction. Be different.

Once you get on that journey of change, and new habits take root you’ll never want to go back.

Have you tried to unlearn a bad habit before? Perhaps unlearning how to overeat. 

Your current thinking is creating these results.  So to unlearn this kind of thinking, you have to BELIEVE something else, something new.  And it all starts with your awareness.  

For example, If you want to lose 20 pounds but you continue to divert from your eating plan. That result is coming from a feeling, and that feeling is coming from a thought. See? Or maybe you're eating dinner and you're full, but you still have food on your plate and you feel compelled to finish it.  

Where did you learn to think that way?

Having a few great thoughts in your thought toolbox for some of the habits you’d like to break is really helpful.

Here are some ‘little things’ you can do every time you eat out – and rack up plenty of calorie savings in the process.

Choose water with lemon, or unsweetened tea, even one glass of wine is a better option then sodas, cocktails and sweet beverages like lemonade.

Start your meal with  salad, it’s a great habit to get into, but be conscious of the dressing, and watch out for lots of fatty ingredient toppings.

Choose fish often. Many people I talk to know they should eat more fish, but they don’t know how to cook it. It has fewer calories also then equivalent serving of red meat.

Restaurant portions can be huge. Split an entrée with a dining companion and order an extra side of veggies, or have your leftovers packed up as soon as you’ve eaten your portion.

Try some of these ideas when you put yourself in these situations and you’ll see the difference in how you approach change and the results that come from it.