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Cost is worth it to save lives

Editor: Re: Full traffic signal to be installed at 1st and 56th, June 24 and Accounting requested on new traffic signal, letter to the editor, July 1 I do not know where Mr.


Re: Full traffic signal to be installed at 1st and 56th,

June 24 and Accounting requested on new traffic signal, letter to the editor, July 1

I do not know where Mr. Orrick resides, but let me give you my opinion from the south side of Tsawwassen.

Living on Wallace Avenue, which runs parallel to the border, our only access in and out of Tsawwassen is via 1st Avenue. This requires dealing with the very hazardous intersection at 1st Avenue and 56th Street. I have had three very close calls at this intersection. The first one was shortly after I moved to this end of Tsawwassen and wasn't aware of just how dangerous this intersection is. With my granddaughter in the passenger seat beside me we were very nearly broadsided by a northbound vehicle coming from the border.

This intersection is incredibly problematic. Turning left onto 56th Street from 1st Avenue can be very risky. It is impossible to see if there are any vehicles approaching in the northbound lane due to southbound vehicles either fully or partially blocking the intersection while in the border line up. Traffic at this intersection will soon be increased due to the water park. Already many southbound cars block the right lane, which is supposed to be for Nexus holders and for vehicles turning right on 1st Avenue. The problems used to be primarily during the warmer summer months, but for a long time now it can be at any time weekend or weekday.

As far as Mr. Orrick's point of view, $150,000 is a deal to me if it averts accidents or saves lives. I don't give a fig about the breakdown; just get it installed as soon as possible. That is why we elect officials to make these sorts of decisions for the betterment of the community. Hats off to the powers that be that decided we need the traffic light. Now we need police ticketing people who get in the Nexus lane without a pass.