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Driver frustrated by those who feel need to pass on right hand side

Editor: After reading about yet another traffic fatality, I can't hold back any longer. Twice over the course of two days some "jackass" decided it was OK to pass me on the right, which is both an illegal and dangerous move.


After reading about yet another traffic fatality, I can't hold back any longer.

Twice over the course of two days some "jackass" decided it was OK to pass me on the right, which is both an illegal and dangerous move.

Both times I was riding my Harley Davidson touring motorcycle, not exactly a small bike.

The first incident involved a white Honda while merging from Ladner Trunk onto Highway 17. I yielded to traffic on Highway 17, only to have this "jackass" go around me on the right, using the bus stop pullout to accelerate.

The second incident was on 12th Avenue when a car coming the other way with several sheets of plywood on the roof lost its load just ahead of me.

I swerved to avoid the sheets of wood skidding in my direction, only to find a black VW passing on the right that came within inches of hitting me.

Lastly, I have seen countless people whom don't seem to know what to do when an emergency vehicle is driving down the opposite lane. Seems many people do not know that by law you are required to pull over and stop until the emergency vehicle has passed.

Pull over and stop, people. Don't just everybody either ignore the ambulance and keep driving, or stop in both lanes and block the ambulance or fire truck.

It could be your house that is on fire, or one of your loved ones that is in dire medical need, and the delay of emergency personnel could mean the difference between life and death.

Perhaps it is time to make a professional driver course mandatory before you can get your licence.

D. McDonald