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Eyes opened by Delta council decision on higher density project

Editor: Attending the Delta council meeting on Monday to hear the mayor and council's decision on an Arthur Drive comprehensive development was more than an eye-opener.


Attending the Delta council meeting on Monday to hear the mayor and council's decision on an Arthur Drive comprehensive development was more than an eye-opener.

In reality, the public hearing process does nothing for the tax-paying citizens who care about the community they live in. Decision making caters to the planners and developers.

If anything, the public hearing process educates the mayor and council on a variety of issues of which they appear to be ignorant. Even then, council proceeds along its merry way with little thought to the impacts its decision will have on the community.

In my opinion, this is definitely a pro-development council.

To hear council sit there and say this development is too dense, have the power to change it and not do so is simply absurd.

Beware of who you elect this fall.

Communities change and grow but do not have to suffocate from high density developments.

Sharon Kraemer