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Government following Huntington on new tax

Editor: Re: MLA's position on HST shows she's no different than governing Liberals, letter to the editor, June 29 Nic Slater wrote criticizing MLA Vicki Huntington, claiming she was just following the government line on the HST.


Re: MLA's position on HST shows she's no different than governing Liberals, letter to the editor, June 29

Nic Slater wrote criticizing MLA Vicki Huntington, claiming she was just following the government line on the HST. That's incorrect and unfair.

When the HST was introduced, Huntington said she would not support it as it was then, but could support it if it was reduced to 10 per cent. How things change. Now that it is to become 10 per cent, we can hardly say Huntington is the follower, but we can say she was right on the mark.

Knowing that half of the taxes collected by the provincial government pay for health care and education, I am not about to vote "yes" and tie the government's hand as to how it will collect taxes.

It doesn't make sense that those who are loudest in opposition to the HST (such as the NDP, the health and teachers' unions) are the ones who cry that not enough money is spent in these areas.

I like the thoughtful, common sense position taken by my MLA.

John Connor