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Letters: All road users should pay a road tax

Get rid of the gas tax and make all road users pay
delta transit bus service
TransLink adjusts service levels every three months to reflect changing demand and travel patterns.


So, Delta council is warning folks to expect a nightmare when driving through the tunnel should TransLink cut service to Delta in 2026 (Optimist, Aug. 1).

Is traffic through the tunnel not already a nightmare? Even this summer, normally a slower traffic season, we hear of and experience traffic delays. Even if one is fortunate to have a ‘fast’ trip through the tunnel he or she then faces delays on Oak Street.

Coun. Rod Binder says that transit fares should not be increased. Others oppose the implantation of a road tax or congestion charge. So where will needed funding come from?

Perhaps gas taxes should be eliminated and everyone who uses the road be required to pay a road tax. In this way those who drive electric vehicles (which contribute to congestion) would also pay to use the roads. A road tax might even reduce the numbers who drive through the tunnel but only if TransLink keeps or increases service south of the tunnel.

The BC NDP have mandated Delta to build more homes and yet at the same time it is not providing funding needed by TransLink.

Jean Wightman