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Letters: Point Roberts is a good neighbour and should be treated as such

There was a reason to be concerned a year ago when we didn't know what COVID was, but now we have therapies, preventative drugs and a vaccine.
Border protest
On Sunday afternoon, July 4, a protest was held on the Canada/US Boundary Bay border as residents and business owners from Point Roberts joined residents from Canada in a protest.


Over the years the Optimist has printed letters complaining about every aspect of South Delta, but the letter last week from A. Cameron re: the quarantine of Point Roberts was just rude and obnoxious.

For much of the last year South Delta has been open to hundreds of thousands of visitors going to the ferries from all over B.C. and Canada, including tourists and long haul truckers. Tens of thousands of non-residents also come to South Delta for the Tsawwassen Mall and to spend time on Centennial Beach. All of these folks are free to enter our stores, use our services and some of them come from areas with the worst COVID outbreaks in the province.

By contrast our good neighbours in Point Roberts with about 800 residents have had four cases, zero deaths and only one person admitted to hospital with COVID. As well their vaccination rate is much better than ours and is currently over 80 per cent vaccinated.

I understand that The Point had more vaccine than they needed and offered it to Canadians, as any good neighbour would.

Cameron's flippant attitude towards the potential closing of the MarketPlace is disgusting when you consider the importance of that enterprise to the community.

Neighbours are expected to help neighbours in difficult times, and on this peninsula the people are only separated by an imaginary line.

There was a reason to be concerned a year ago when we didn't know what COVID was, but now we have therapies, preventative drugs and a vaccine.

Cameron should rest assured that COVID is not spread just because the folks in Point Roberts are American, but Cameron's xenophobia sure could use a little work.

Greg Hoover