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Don’t believe simply because so many say it is so

Editor: Re: 11,000 scientists can’t be wrong when it comes to climate change, letter to the editor, Nov. 28 Maybe that headline should be re-phrased as "11,000 scientists can’t all be wrong when it comes to climate change.


Re: 11,000 scientists can’t be wrong when it comes to climate change, letter to the editor, Nov. 28

Maybe that headline should be re-phrased as "11,000 scientists can’t all be wrong when it comes to climate change."

I could easily jump aboard this ever-lengthening bandwagon but having worked with many scientists on many issues, I can easily state that among scientists there appears to be an overwhelming urgency to confirm the findings of other scientists -- and sometimes at the expense of objectivity.

Climate change appears to be real but do not be persuaded that it is simply because so many say it is so.

B. McKenna