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Environment stands out among federal campaign issues

Editor: Although there are a number of issues in this coming election, the state of the environment stands out. We must remember that as the environment deteriorates, so does the quality of life on this planet.


Although there are a number of issues in this coming election, the state of the environment stands out. We must remember that as the environment deteriorates, so does the quality of life on this planet.

The environment includes a multiplicity of issues: climate change, the extinction of great numbers of species, the quality of the soil left on this planet for agriculture, water quality and availability, the proliferation of chemicals in our environment, the vast amount of plastic in the ocean and on land, and the list goes on.

The increased number of forest fires, violent storms, and flooding all add up to ever more tragedies.

This coming election is important as we, the electorate, have a chance to weigh in on the changes and to choose a party which can play its part now and in the few coming years that we have left to make a difference.

Please consider which candidates show up for and participate in all-candidates meetings and what their responses to environmental questions are. And pay attention to the platforms of the national parties. 

Do you want to vote for candidates who do not participate in these important events? Do you want to vote for parties which have no clear plans for attacking the big questions of the day?

And, as the environment deteriorates, so does the economy.

Anita den Dikken