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Moratorium needed on developments in Fraser River estuary

Editor: Having provided the panel reviewing the Terminal 2 proposal with evidence of actions that have caused reprehensible damage to the mother of all aquatic and wildfowl life on the Fraser River watershed and estuary, I ask that it not allow the c


Having provided the panel reviewing the Terminal 2 proposal with evidence of actions that have caused reprehensible damage to the mother of all aquatic and wildfowl life on the Fraser River watershed and estuary, I ask that it not allow the construction of T2 as it will be the fatal blow to the ability of the mother to continue to give birth to all aquatic and birdlife in the Fraser River estuary and beyond to the Salish Sea.

The only alternative is to call for a moratorium on any further developments on the Fraser River estuary that will alter the migration of salmon that is the food source of the orcas and livelihood of many, and require a full environmental and hydrological study to determine the effects of past and future industrial proposals.

Further, an economic study be done to determine the present and future value of retaining the life of the Fraser River as a fish and wildlife producer.

Douglas George Massey