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Some people make it too easy for thieves

Editor: Either the Delta Police Department is now putting bait cars on our streets or someone is being terminally careless. On my way to my daily walk along the 12th Avenue trail, I espied a car parked on Centennial Parkway...
Letter writer B. McKenna saw this purse sitting in plain view in a car on a recent walk.


Either the Delta Police Department is now putting bait cars on our streets or someone is being terminally careless.

On my way to my daily walk along the 12th Avenue trail, I espied a car parked on Centennial Parkway... a nice quiet place to park, very few people around and lots of trees, foliage, etc. to obscure the view of those living on that street.

As I was passing, I saw, on the passenger seat - in full view of anyone passing by - a lady’s purse.

Two hours later as I returned, the purse was still there.

Reading about items being stolen from cars in this area is almost a constant, such criminality being aided and abetted by those who neglect to lock their cars and even more so by those who leave valuables such as the above in plain view.

And I won't even go into the items (allegedly) stolen from these unlocked cars -- sunglasses (and always the expensive ones), wallets, purses, passports, yes passports, phones, laptops, sporting goods -- and the costs associated with such thefts that affect us all.

I guess some people just don't care.

B. McKenna