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A cautionary development tale

A cautionary development tale

EDITOR: "Do unto others as you would others do unto you" is the most basic moral principle we share in a civilized world. The recent development at Tsawwassen Springs defies this principle.
Delta council credited for listening to neighbourhood

Delta council credited for listening to neighbourhood

EDITOR: Re: Eyes opened by Delta council decision on higher density project, letter to the editor, Aug.
This time it just might be for real

This time it just might be for real

Discussions about redeveloping Ladner's waterfront almost seem surreal. What could be a quaint town's crowning jewel has long been something far less than that, so it's almost inconceivable that could all begin to change.
Tsawwassen is already at maximum capacity

Tsawwassen is already at maximum capacity

EDITOR: Re: NIMBYism making Tsaw. stagnate, letter to the editor, Aug. 31 I can't help but comment on the letter from Mr. Bolen which is laced with inaccuracies.
Proud to defend his 'hood

Proud to defend his 'hood

Editor: Re: Bay must defend itself, letter to the editor, Aug. 19 I am extremely happy that people read my letter and formed their own opinions. It's important that we express our opinions to all that are willing to listen.
Intersection tough to use

Intersection tough to use

Mayor and council: Are you trying to make the three-way intersection at 1st Avenue and 56th Street more difficult to use that it already is? Recently, workers embedded wiring in 1st that causes cars and trucks to trigger the walk signal - since when
Financial mind set must change

Financial mind set must change

It's one thing when governments make a mess of their own finances, but it's harder to take when they're doing it to mine.
'Open-government' meeting doesn't live up to name

'Open-government' meeting doesn't live up to name

Editor: Re: Premier in town for round-table, Aug. 24 How interesting that Premier Christy Clark has attended an 'open government' meeting in South Delta. It is not clear, however, who arranged the meeting, who was invited and why.
Consensus on Southlands out of reach

Consensus on Southlands out of reach

Editor: I have just finished reading today's (Wednesday, Aug. 31) letters to the editor, and am struck by the relevance of some of the viewpoints expressed. As for Ms. Clark, let's hope that the results of the HST vote will be an eyeopener.
Gates of Tsaw. are open

Gates of Tsaw. are open

Editor: Re: NIMBYism making Tsaw. Stagnate, letter to the editor, Aug. 31 Writer Mr. Bolen makes the same logical misstep as others before him, in equating so called NIMBYism with land zoning.