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Blog: Waterfowl and predators

Here in Delta, the word predator in the context of waterfowl means coyotes, raccoons and skunks. To waterfowl these predators are the major reasons that wildlife numbers are down.

Here in Delta, the word predator in the context of waterfowl means coyotes, raccoons and skunks. To waterfowl these predators are the major reasons that wildlife numbers are down. Changes in agriculture land in South Delta have created numerous problems for nesting birds, as the habitat they need to nest has been taken away. Predators, which can reproduce very quickly, create huge populations of animals out there after the birds. The transformation in the landscape has made it easier for the four legged killers to find the nests, especially since the amount of nesting cover in some areas is down and in other areas totally gone. Much of the accessible nesting cover is the smaller regions, which allows predators to find and destroy nests much easier. Studies in waterfowl ecology and waterfowling have revealed that there is a connection between the amount of grassland nesting cover and the percentage of nest success. It was found that areas that had up to 40 per cent grassland had higher waterfowl nest success. The reason for this success is that the hunters are not able to find all of the nests in these larger size tracts. Not only upsetting waterfowl populations, they also affect the population of all species including upland game. These larger populations of predators destroying wildlife also carry diseases. As we have all heard, these predators will also go after our pets.