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Letters: Tunnel vision curbed for commuters

Editor: Please keep the dividers up approaching and just inside the George Massey Tunnel. The enclosed space is a legitimate concern for some travellers who may feel frustrated and under pressure as we wait for our tunnel to be upgraded.
delta massey tunnel interior new
The George Massey Tunnel.


Please keep the dividers up approaching and just inside the George Massey Tunnel. The enclosed space is a legitimate concern for some travellers who may feel frustrated and under pressure as we wait for our tunnel to be upgraded.

Recently, these temporary collapsible pickets functioned as somewhat of a deterrent to impatient law breakers who constantly weave back and forth over the solid line. Egocentric drivers, in a hurry and following others too closely, were less likely to use speed as an intimidation tactic to pressure cautious, sensible citizens wishing to forestall unnecessary collisions.

A big thank you is due to the many law-abiding drivers who routinely exercise restraint and keep space by refraining from following too closely behind other drivers.

Are you a tortoise or a hare? How can we curtail tailgating and keep a safe distance between careless drivers who may rush through once inside the enclosure?

Hopefully, observing common courtesy could be the new normal for navigating under the Deas Island slough. Can you learn to take it slowly and be respectful?

It just requires patience and kindness to one another as the Tunnel upgrade progresses. Let us see if we can improve our behaviour!

Bonnie Roberts-Taylor