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Two more tunnels would be the most practical and least expensive solution

Editor: Re: Meeting with ministry gave former Liberal government tunnel options, letter to the editor, Jan.


Re: Meeting with ministry gave former Liberal government tunnel options, letter to the editor, Jan. 10

Douglas George Massey’s letter regarding the replacement of the George Massey Tunnel should be front page centre in your paper and explored further by one of your ace reporters.

I have long felt that adding two extra tunnels to the crossing would be the most practical and least expensive solution to the crossing problem. The bridge solution was just an expensive crossing to put Christy Clark’s name to a so-called monument of largesse.

Adding two extra tunnels and updating the present two tunnels would be far less expensive even after factoring in the money presently spent preparing the site for the bridge foundations.

The skyline would remain the same, no obtrusive structure would dominate the view, the noise would be less and the airplane folks would have a couple of towers less to navigate around.

We should follow up Massey’s inquiry as it shows some common sense, a great savings to the taxpayer and also a cover up by the previous government that seemingly was listening to the interests of the Port of Vancouver. 

We do not need another “fast ferry” expense to show how great our previous provincial government was.

Delta South MLA Ian Paton should champion the cause for us, getting the folks in Victoria to realize that they could make a good name for themselves, even if they are the NDP, by solving a transportation problem with a much less burden on the provincial coffers.

Bryan Walhovd

P’Eng Retired