My name is Andrea DeWolff and I am running for a Delta school trustee position as an independent candidate.
I grew up in Delta and have a strong connection to this community, now raising my three children in South Delta, together with my husband. Two of my children currently attend public elementary school and one is in preschool.
I am a qualified education assistant, which has given me the opportunity to connect with students, teachers and parents and hear their concerns. I have real time knowledge of the issues affecting our Delta schools.
I work in Community Inclusion in Delta for Sources and I hold a position on the board of directors for South Delta Minor Hockey. I am an avid volunteer with local sports programs, coaching, managing and coordinating events. Our family has hosted many Vancouver Giants players and I truly value the wide range of connections with parents, students and school staff I have made over the years.
I view the role as school trustee as a long-term commitment to our community. I am running for Delta school trustee to be a positive voice for change, and as an independent candidate, I will work hard to ensure our children are represented in a fair and equitable way and their parents get a say in how their tax dollars are spent. As a trustee, I am committed to creating conditions of excellence so all of our students can flourish.
My family is deeply rooted in Delta and I have a vested interest in ensuring all of our children receive the education they deserve. I am logical, compassionate and understanding; incredibly driven and passionate about helping our future generation thrive. Thoughtful planning with adequate funding in our public schools is the best investment for Delta’s future.
What are your election issues?
The role of a trustee is to help create an environment for excellence in education for every student to reach their full potential, in the classroom and in life. As a trustee it is imperative to identify the needs of our education system through a collaborative approach, working with education partners at various levels.
As an independent candidate in this election, the top priorities I have identified through observation and conversation with parents, teachers and administration are; the immediate need for more resources and supports at the classroom level, specifically the need for more education assistants. All learners require these supports in the classroom as they are the foundation for setting our educators up to create successful and safe classrooms.
Throughout the process of balancing the budget a priority of the trustees needs to be ensuring the distribution of funds starts at the classroom level, guaranteeing supports and resources are a top budget priority. Educators and students should not bare the brunt of any budget shortfalls. The district needs to be transparent with the budget to ensure accountability.
During the four-year term as trustee, I would like to ensure our students feel safe at school. Safe, not being defined by a single action, but instead all encompassing. Ensuring that “safety” includes and is not limited to; bullying, racism, harassment, sexual harassment, sexual orientation, drug use and violence. Our students have a fundamental right to feel safe at school.
I would also like to collaborate with the City of Delta to create accessible and safe new playgrounds at some of our local public schools. Our community needs inclusive playground equipment, and to attain this, I believe collaborating would be the best approach. This will ensure children at school, as well as other members of the community will benefit.