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Blog: What are those teeny weenie ants?

Fall is the time of year when Pharaoh’s Ant starts popping up in the kitchen, bathrooms and around the furnace, boiler and hot water heater. These ants will forage and search high and low for any source of food.

Fall is the time of year when Pharaoh’s Ant starts popping up in the kitchen, bathrooms and around the furnace, boiler and hot water heater. These ants will forage and search high and low for any source of food. People try and eliminate the problem using google remedies and DIY retail store solutions. However, the issue with most of these remedies is that they are rarely effective and can often lead to ants spreading throughout the house. I’ve listed a few DIY ant controls that really don’t work.

Cinnamon essential oil – this oil can be used to both repel and exterminate ants but the concentration of the cinnamon oil needs to be very high, as well as the placement on the oil needs to be broadcast sprayed. How long can you live in a house that smells like cinnamon, months?

Borax - borax is toxic to ants and will help kill the individual ant that consumes it but borax is toxic to pets and small children, and can be quite unsightly and messy.

Lemon juice - although the acid in lemon juice may mask the scent trails, it may repel them for a short period of time, but in the long run it has little to no effect.

Vinegar – the aroma from vinegar masks the scent trail, but once the liquid has evaporated it will no longer be an effective.

Chalk – again, it may disrupt an ant’s scent trail for a short period, but the ants will always find another way to search for food.

Cucumber Peel – leave it in the fridge

Solutions that work – clean up spills, vacuum, sweep, use air tight containers, seal cracks and crevices, and of course, the most effective solution to get rid of ants is to enlist the help of a pest control professional.