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Freshwave Ministries continues to serve South Delta

Freshwave Ministries, governed by a board of directors, is an incorporated, non-profit organization.
A South Delta based, non-profit organization, Freshwave Ministries, has been serving those in need since 2010. Photo courtesy Dawn McGee

A South Delta based, non-profit organization, Freshwave Ministries, has been serving those in need since 2010.

Monday finds volunteers preparing hot soup, sandwiches, fruit, coffee, and desserts to serve 100-plus less fortunate people in Vancouver.

Fifty extra supper bags are filled with food and buns for our extended alley ministry. After picking up and sorting donations of clothing, linens, blankets, hygiene products, shoes, books, and more, volunteers stock their clothing trailer.

In addition to food and clothing, recipients receive groceries from donations that we receive.

Tuesday to Sunday, finds volunteers working behind the scenes to pick up and organize donations, buy needed groceries for Monday‘s prep, maintain vehicles, and manage board of director’s responsibilities.

In 2014, Freshwave Ministries was successful in starting a monthly ‘outreach’ coffeehouse called The Wander Inn Café. Freshwave is most grateful to Lighthouse Church for allowing the use of their building. The Café, usually held on the third Saturday of the month, welcomes all people, and offers live music, beverages, goodies, and a great evening out. Entrance is by donation.

In 2023, Freshwave extended its service in South Delta by coming alongside All Saint’s Anglican Church and assisting with their monthly community meal.

As well, Freshwave volunteers ensure that our clothing trailer is available to those who attend the meal.

Freshwave Ministries, governed by a board of directors, is an incorporated, non-profit organization.

We are most appreciative to Cedar Park Church who allows them to use their commercial kitchen, storage, and parking spaces for our bus/trailer. They welcome volunteers (young adults and up) to help with the pick-up of donations, Monday food prep, Monday evening street ministry downtown, and the monthly community meal in Ladner.

For more information, email: [email protected] or see their website at: