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FVRL calls for fair digital pricing with a national ebook club

The 2023 selection for One eRead Canada is Tatouine by Jean-Christophe Réhel
FVRL Photo The 2023 selection for One eRead Canada is Tatouine by Jean-Christophe Réhel

Fraser Valley Regional Library (FVRL) is inviting local readers to join the country’s largest bilingual digital book club and raise awareness of the need for fair access to digital books and audiobooks.

From April 1 to 30, FVRL will join libraries across the country in One eRead Canada, a nation-wide campaign offering access to one book for one month with zero waitlists. The campaign is an initiative of the Canadian Urban Libraries Council (CULC). This is the fourth year that FVRL has participated.

“Books are an essential means of connecting and understanding the world around us,” says Åsa Kachan, current CULC Chair. “The importance of equitable access to digital books and audiobooks has never been as evident as it has through this pandemic. We’ve seen demand skyrocket, yet exorbitant costs for ebooks prevent public libraries from meeting the demand.”

CULC reports that restrictive costs, licensing and availability of content prevent public libraries from providing adequate access to the volume and variety of sought-after titles, including the diverse voices emerging across the literary landscape. One eRead Canada demonstrates what less restricted access could provide, including a shared experience and connection during difficult and isolating times, such as a pandemic.

This year’s One eRead selection, Tatouine by Quebec native Jean-Christophe Réhel, is expected to resonate with readers recovering from social isolation. The novel’s protagonist feels disconnected from people and the world around him. The reader is brought along as he recounts his experience living with a genetic disease, his financial hardships as he cycles through a series of unfulfilling jobs, and the highs and lows of family and romantic relationships. In response, he turns to Star Wars and other pop culture diversions to relate to and escape from his surroundings. Tatouine is relatable and imaginative, capturing the struggles and small triumphs of the daily grind and modern existence with humour and a poetic rhythm.

Tatouine will be available for free in ebook and downloadable audiobook formats on local libraries’ digital platforms in both the original French and translated English languages. An accessible version will be made available through the Centre for Equitable Library Access (CELA) and the National Network for Equitable Library Service (NNELS). There will be no waitlists; only a library card is needed from one of the participating libraries across Canada. FVRL customers may access the title through FVRL OverDrive ( and the Libby app.

Readers are also invited to look for announcements of upcoming virtual events, such as interviews with the author and translators, and a library-hosted podcast about Tatouine. Visit for dates and follow along on the One eRead Canada Book Club Facebook group for updates.