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Practical advice to get kids off screens at CFUW presentation

Katherine Martinko speaking on Jan. 23
On Tuesday, Jan. 23 at 7:15 p.m., members of the public are invited to join the CFUW–South Delta in welcoming Katherine Martinko, Author of Childhood Unplugged, Practical Advice to Get Kids Off Screens and Find Balance. Photo submitted

On Tuesday, Jan. 23 at 7:15 p.m., members of the public are invited to join the CFUW–South Delta in welcoming Katherine Martinko, Author of Childhood Unplugged, Practical Advice to Get Kids Off Screens and Find Balance.

This will be a free Zoom event. Register through [email protected] to confirm your attendance and receive a Zoom link.

Martinko is a journalist and author. A graduate of the University of Toronto, she spent 10 years as a staff writer and editor at, and now does freelance work. Katherine has written for Allrecipes, Angi, Toronto Star, Globe and Mail, Danone, Motherly, Discovery Network, and more. Her first book, Childhood Unplugged: Practical Advice to Get Kids Off Screens and Find Balance, came out in July 2023. She writes about digital minimalism, parenting, travel, food, and more in her Substack newsletter, The Analog Family.

CFUW-South Delta is a member of the CFUW (the Canadian Federation of University Women). They are a non-partisan, self-funded organization with more than 6,500 members in 96 clubs across Canada.

They have been an active social group in South Delta for more than 50 years, effectively advocating on issues affecting women and children, as well as providing multiple bursaries annually to deserving local women.