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Dodging the December bulge

Following a few simple tips will help you avoid packing on the pounds

Don't let December and the holidays throw you off the rails for your food and fitness! You worked hard to get to where you are, so don't toss it for some shortbread and eggnog.

Instead, use these 10 easy tips that Risse and I (your Go Fit Gals) came up with to dodge the December bulge: Stick to a routine You can't wish for fitness to happen, you have to make fitness happen. Just because it's the holidays, don't let that stray you from what you have been doing.

Research has shown us that it's not willpower that keeps us going, it's habit. So, maintain a regular workout schedule, continue with your weekly cleaneating meal prep and stick with it.

Stay hydrated Dehydration often disguises itself as hunger, causing you to overeat. By staying hydrated you will feel full, energized and flush out the toxins. Exercise first thing in the morning Get your workout in before life, work and errands can get in the way. Or alternatively, work out right after work, but before you get home.

Don't save your calories for the special event You know who you are! These are the people who won't eat all day so they can eat at the party "guiltfree."

By doing this you will cause your blood-sugar levels to drop dangerously low and this can do permanent damage to your body. Low blood-sugar levels are also a top trigger for cravings and overeating.

Studies have shown that by not eating regularly throughout the day you are more than likely to eat twice as much in the evenings.

This means your 2,000-calorie day could turn into a 4,000-calorie night.

On the day of a party, or one that you know you will indulge in, do a big leg workout. Perform a hard leg workout, or any circuit or high intensity interval workout with weights. These types of workouts will not only torch a ton of calories (helping to balance out the extra calories you will be consuming later that day/night), they will also boost your resting energy expenditure by up to 11 per cent - and for up to 15 hours afterwards.

Skip the alcohol Just kidding, we are not total party poopers! But, if you are going to drink, do it Go Fit Gals style by keeping your drinks light and alternating them with a glass of water in between.

Join a class or make a date with a workout buddy These are two great ways to hold yourself accountable each week.

Plan and prepare This is key to making it through the holidays healthy. Prep your meals for the week and schedule in your workouts on your calendar.

Subscribe to a variety of fitness and healthy eating blogs By subscribing to a few you will receive a new tip, or a different workout or a clean eating recipe in your inbox every morning, making fitness and clean eating one of the first things you see and read.

Need some ideas for what blogs to subscribe to? Um, ours at www.gofitgals. com.

Bring your own food Offer to bring an appy, like a veggie platter, to the event and you'll guarantee yourself a healthy option is available. And hey, by helping out the host you might even make it on to their Christmas list! Risse and PJ are your Go Fit Gals. To reach them, or view their online programs, check out www.gofitgals. com.