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Getting answers to three simple questions can provide clarity

Go. Say. Do. Simple to say. Difficult to do. It's hard to believe that Jesus' entire earthly ministry can be summed up in these three words.

Go. Say. Do. Simple to say. Difficult to do.

It's hard to believe that Jesus' entire earthly ministry can be summed up in these three words. Sure, we can spend hours in the minutia of scripture attempting to bring value to the vague instead of signifying the simplicity of these three words: Go. Say. Do. That's what Jesus did everyday. It may have gone something like this: "Good morning Dad! It's another great day that You have made. I am glad to be in it. I know that ultimately I will be led to a cross to die for sins I didn't commit, but until that time comes, where would you like me to go today? What would you like me to say today? What would you like me to do today?" Let's not complicate obeying God's will. Ask these three questions and then get clarity on the answers to these three questions. Before it's all over you could end up healing a mother in law, eating dinner with sinners, speaking to women at wells, visiting the home of a dead girl or washing the feet of your leadership.

Who knows what God has in store for you. Maybe He's been waiting for you to ask those three simple questions instead of assuming you already know the answer to them. Go talk to your Dad. You've got places to go, things to say and a lot to do!