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Hunger fulfilled

Once upon a time there was a young family that had everything it could ever desire. They shared a lovely home with beautiful children, loads of friends and family that cared for them.

Once upon a time there was a young family that had everything it could ever desire. They shared a lovely home with beautiful children, loads of friends and family that cared for them. They both had very satisfying employment that challenged and excited their creative minds and spirits. To those who looked in from the outside, they had it all.

Every appetite was fulfilled; every need seemed to be met except ... they still hungered for more.

Perhaps they could find this “missing piece” in extreme sport, or be surrounded by friends who promised an exciting “trip.” Or maybe they could consider opening their hearts and minds to a deeper satisfaction — a spiritual hunger fulfilled.

When Jesus said, “I am the bread of life,” I believe that he began the old adage that “you are what you eat.” Jesus was promising, I think, that the deep hunger within every human heart is a hunger of being loved and cherished by a loving and gracious God.

When we taste the glory that comes from this kind of love we experience the quiet within us. That’s when we can rest and be fully satisfied with the gift of God that is life itself.

The sad part of my opening story is the choice made on that fateful night was to experience a “trip” that led to death for a young couple that “had it all.” Let’s pray for that family as they grieve... and pray that their lives may point us in a different direction — the way to life.