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It’s best to look beyond cereal box at breakfast

I love breakfast. I wake up hungry and ready to eat every morning. In my early days as a trainer, my go-to breakfast of choice was the boxed cereal Fibre 1. I ate that stuff everyday.
PJ Wren
PJ Wren

I love breakfast. I wake up hungry and ready to eat every morning.

In my early days as a trainer, my go-to breakfast of choice was the boxed cereal Fibre 1. I ate that stuff everyday.

And why not? What’s not to love about a cereal that offered me 55 per cent of my daily intake of fiber?

We all know that a diet high in fiber is recommended for everything from healthy BMs to a healthy waistline to a healthy gut. However, what the box doesn’t tell you is that the fiber source in this cereal (as well as all other cereals) is stripped from real food (aka functional fiber) and devoid from the health benefits that comes along with real food.

In fact, you can get just as much fiber from an avocado (yes, I’m talking to you crazy-sexy avocado toast), as well as all the other nutrients that an actual piece of real food can give you, something ol’ Fibre 1 cannot do.

I’ve said it before in this column, boxed cereal is not good for you. Even if it’s billed as healthy, it is likely filled with refined flour, corn, corn syrup, artificial colours, sugar or sugar substitutes.

Boxed cereal is also super high in carbs. Meaning you will get a nice energetic high after eating it, followed by a crash and the urge to stuff your face with more carbs.

Not a great way to start the day.

What do I suggest as a healthier alternative to cereal? A breakfast that combines the big three: complex carbohydrates, protein and good fats.

Complex carbs (such as rolled oats and fruit) provide the energy to tackle your day, protein (such as eggs and Greek yogurt) to help feed the muscles and slow the release of the sugars in the bloodstream, and good fats (such as avocado, nuts and seeds) to keep satiated and avoid sugar cravings later on.

To help you I have attached two of my favourite breakfasts.

PJ Wren is a local trainer and writer. Workout with her in-person at the Studio ( or online (


Banana Bread Overnight Oats
Serves: 1
½ banana, mashed
¼ cup rolled oats 
½ cup almond milk
1 tbsp chia seeds
½ tsp cinnamon
¼ tsp all-spice
2 tbsp crushed walnuts
Combine everything in a small bowl and mix well. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Eat cold, or warm.
Fiber Starter Breakfast Bowl
Serves: 1
½ cup berries or chopped apple
2 tbsp hemp seeds
2 tbsp chia seeds
2 tbsp sunflower seeds
1 tbsp ground flax seed
2 cups almond milk


Combine everything in a small bowl and mix well. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Eat cold, or warm.