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Ladner Rotary set to host Christmas Tree Lighting

Event happens Saturday at Memorial Park
The Ladner Rotary Club is welcoming the whole community to the second annual Christmas Tree Lighting in Memorial Park on Saturday, Dec. 7.

Ladner’s Memorial Park will transform into a winter wonderland this weekend.

The second annual Christmas Tree Lighting, hosted by the Ladner Rotary Club, takes place on Saturday, Dec. 7 from 4 to 7 p.m.

Santa Claus will be arriving by fire truck to help turn on the Christmas lights but before that happens, celebrations for young and old will get underway in the Reach Child and Youth Development Society building adjacent to Memorial Park. There will be craft tables, hot chocolate, cookies, candy canes, a choral group and a mailbox for letters to Santa.

Santa is expected to arrive about 4:30 p.m.

When dark outside, at about 5:30 p.m., the event will move outdoors as Delta Mayor George Harvie and Ladner Rotary Club president Bridget Jacob light three nearby 65-foot trees.

“Santa will be out and about spreading good cheer and the spirit of Christmas throughout the three-hour tree lighting event,” said project leader Walt Hayward.

Hayward said an excellent photo opportunity will be inside the Reach building as Santa will be sitting on his large red Christmas chair to welcome children along with two helpers.

“Children that write letters to Santa that are deposited in the mailbox will be answered by Santa before Christmas,” said Hayward. “Having Santa sitting in his large red chair inside the nice warm Reach building is going to provide a great photo opportunity for parents.”

The children’s craft tables will be operated by the local Rotary Interactors club (high school age Rotary members).