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Learn to be humble and trust

In the world we live in and the times we are presently contenting with, it seems to me that we are being asked often to "just trust me.

In the world we live in and the times we are presently contenting with, it seems to me that we are being asked often to "just trust me." Trust in those we know to be transitory leaders with ideological agendas, trust systems that we have repeatedly experienced to be fatally flawed, trust that the real solution to all of life's woes is a stable economy. I'm sure you could name many other ultimate fixes driven by the conceptions of our finite human minds.

Does this all sound a bit dismal? Well, it can be if we allow ourselves to be drawn into the rapidly changing battle hype and rhetoric of opposing perspectives. The place I turn to, in moments when I feel things spinning out of control, is to foundations beyond human control. I find the ancient, infinite, God revealed words of scripture to be a good beginning.

"So, humble yourselves under God's strong hand, and in his good time he will lift you up. You can throw the whole weight of your anxieties upon him, for you are his personal concern." (1 Peter 5: 6 & 7, J.B. Phillips New Testament in Modern English) If we would just allow ourselves to get out of the way, position ourselves in the right relationship to the one who is life giver, the one who walks with in the midst of our tumultuous human journey, "Christ Jesus, will himself make you whole and secure and strong." (1 Peter 5: 10, JB Phillips...) I prefer to trust this foundation.