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Legion supports Tapestry

The Ladner Legion recently donated $1,500 to the Tapestry Foundation. The foundation cares for the needs of seniors throughout the Lower Mainland. Pictured from left to right: Olwen Demidoff, Tapestry’s Janice Waud Loper and Tom Easton.
The Ladner Legion recently donated $1,500 to the Tapestry Foundation. The foundation cares for the needs of seniors throughout the Lower Mainland. Pictured from left to right: Olwen Demidoff, Tapestry’s Janice Waud Loper and Tom Easton.
The Ladner Legion recently donated $1,500 to the Tapestry Foundation. The foundation cares for the needs of seniors throughout the Lower Mainland. Pictured from left to right: Olwen Demidoff, Tapestry’s Janice Waud Loper and Tom Easton.