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Minister's Minute: Giving up and taking on

Whenever we give up a habit let us take on a ministry that we can do for God and our community.
Religion Lent
This Lent, be sure to find space to tend to your spiritual needs.

Many churches commemorate the 40 days when Jesus was taken into the wilderness after his baptism to be tempted by the devil. (Mark 1: 12-13) It is called the season of Lent. The three pillars of this season are Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving.

This season is associated with the practice of “giving something up.”

My uncle dated a girl who religiously observed Lent in high school before he met my aunt. I don’t think they were very serious, and when I ask him why they broke up, he always responds, “She gave me up for Lent.” I’m not sure if this is true or not, but we all know someone who gave up something — be it coffee, alcohol, or chocolate.

My grandmother was so serious about Lent- strict spiritual practices and giving up meat—40 days of a vegetarian diet. I think our chickens realised that they got to keep their eggs during Lent, none of them went missing because we didn’t eat meat. The way the chickens would behave when they got out of the chicken run is as if they sensed their 40-day freedom.

Though I wished we could, we never saved the chickens for ourselves. All the chickens that were spared for the Lenten season were given away to neighbours and to the church. Giving up should be followed by action- what do we do for the Lord?

Many of us fast from something (give something up) or take on a practice or do both during this season and beyond. Whenever we give up a habit let us take on a ministry that we can do for God and our community.