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Minister's Minute: It is finished

On the cross, Jesus Christ paid the debt of sin on your behalf. But even though the debt is paid in full, you have to accept Him as your Savior in order to receive this gift.
Easter religion
The foundation of our Christian faith is what we celebrate at Easter.

The foundation of our Christian faith is what we celebrate at Easter.

I would like to focus on one of the statements Jesus made on the cross before he died.

In John19:30 Jesus said, “It is finished!” Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. In the Greek “It is Finished” is only one word – Tetelestai.

The word Tetelestai to the people living during that time meant the completion of a transaction, it was fulfilled. Tetelestai was said with joy, so when Jesus used this word, he was speaking volumes about a task victoriously completed. But what was finished, what exactly was paid completely?

The issue of the cross involves at its core the addressing of the problem of sin. It has to do with debt incurred by sin. We incurred debt that we are unable to pay. Why? Because the one who we owe is perfect, God.

Therefore all the payments you try to make to get rid of the debt called sin can never get rid of the debt because nothing you do can count as payment to get you back to perfection. Many people believe that by giving enough time, enough religion, enough being a “good person”… they can pay off this debt that is owed.

God does not work like a mortgage that you can pay off over time. He does not reduce the debt because of His nature - His nature is perfect. Once you commit your first sin - you are no longer perfect. Everything you do after that does not work. Sin is a penalty you can’t pay.

When Jesus said Tetelestai, the cross at its core, is the reality that the issue of sin was addressed by the death of Christ. On the cross, Jesus Christ died and the Bible says He who knew no sin became sin for us.

On the cross, Jesus Christ paid the debt of sin on your behalf. But even though the debt is paid in full, you have to accept Him as your Savior in order to receive this gift. I hope you do.