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New year? Time for a post-holiday detox

Overindulging. We all do it every holiday season. We eat too much, drink too much and move too little. The good thing is we can counteract some of the damage done the next day with the following tips.

Overindulging. We all do it every holiday season. We eat too much, drink too much and move too little. The good thing is we can counteract some of the damage done the next day with the following tips.

Drink lots of water
As soon as you get up, have a large glass of water with freshly squeezed lemon and continue drinking throughout the day. Aim to drink half your body weight in ounces.

Yoga is awesome for detoxing the body, especially twists and forward folds. Yoga stimulates the lymphatic system, which aids in getting rid of waste and helps to get your digestive system back on track. Not to mention how good it makes your muscles feel.

Walking, especially outside, will help wake you up and refresh you. In addition, walking right after a meal will allow your digestive tract to be unobstructed so it can function its best.

Avoid processed foods and alcohol
This should really be a no-brainer, but I thought I should add it, just in case. To detoxify your body, you’ve got to avoid all the foods that got you there in the first place. So, no food that comes from a box, package or restaurant, and save the alcohol for another day.

Green tea
Skip the coffee and get your caffeine fix from green tea instead. Not only will it help wake you up, green tea is also filled with antioxidants that have been proven to boost your metabolism.

Eat pineapple and grapefruit
Pineapple contains the enzymes bromelain and papain that help to ease digestion and prevent bloating. Grapefruit is full of vitamin C and antioxidants that will help fight off the damage done from the sugar and alcohol the day before.

There are three ways to get waste out of your system. Poop, pee and sweat and a good ol’ workout is guaranteed to help you sweat out last night’s festivities.

Avoid fatty foods and lots of protein
Both of these, in excess, will set your digestive system into a free fall. And if you overindulged, it was in a free fall from the sugar, salt, fat and alcohol to begin with. Instead, for today, opt for lots of fruit and raw veggies, with some simple proteins like fish or soy as a complement to your meal as opposed to the main part of your meal.

A lot. As much as you want to park your butt on the couch, avoid it please. Your body needs to move and as much as possible. This can be as simple as stretching while watching a movie, or walking to the store instead of driving, or standing instead of sitting. Not only will this help detox you, it will also aid in weight loss and weight maintenance.

Drink dandelion root tea
This tea may smell like feet (truth), but it does wonders for bloating, which usually follows a less than perfect day of eating. It is also highly recommended after a night of drinking because it promotes healthy liver function (amen).

PJ Wren is a local personal trainer and writer who loves squats, mountain climbers and spiced rum. She can be reached at or at