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Obeying speed limits good for the wallet, environment

Many people aspire to drive more efficiently in an attempt to conserve fuel, save money and reduce the carbon footprints of their own vehicles.

Many people aspire to drive more efficiently in an attempt to conserve fuel, save money and reduce the carbon footprints of their own vehicles.

But driving efficiently can also make driving safer for motorists, their passengers and everyone else, including pedestrians, sharing the roads.

Drivers who want to drive more efficiently can implement the following strategies: Obey the speed limits. Speed limits are determined with safety in mind, and drivers should always adhere to posted speed limits to protect themselves, their passengers and others on the road. Obeying the speed limit is also cost-effective. Fuel efficiency begins to dip dramatically when vehicles travel above 90 km/h. While each vehicle is different, increasing highway cruising speed from 90 km/h to 120 km/h can raise fuel consumption by as much as 20 per cent.

Do not idle a vehicle.

Electronic engines do not need to warm up, even in winter when temperatures are especially cold. Vehicles that are idling can produce as much pollution as vehicles that are in motion, and idling for as little as 10 seconds wastes more gas than restarting the engine. Drivers concerned about overtaxing their engines shortly after starting them can warm their engines by easing into their drives and avoiding excessive revving.

Use cruise control wisely. Drivers concerned about fuel economy may be accustomed to turning on their vehicle's cruise control when driving long distances on the highway. While that is an effective and fuel-efficient way to maintain steady speeds, turn cruise control off when traversing roads with steep hills. On such roads, fuel efficiency can be lost because the vehicle engine is working harder to maintain steady speeds.