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Plain old water can benefit body in a variety of ways

When the body does not take in as much water as it puts out, it can become dehydrated, but water does more for the body than prevent dehydration.
Water helps in myriad ways, many of which might surprise people unaware of just how valuable water can be to the body.

When the body does not take in as much water as it puts out, it can become dehydrated, but water does more for the body than prevent dehydration. The following are a handful of lesser known ways that water benefits the body: Water can help people maintain healthy weights. Dieting fads come and go, but water is a mainstay for people who want to control their caloric intake in an effort to maintain healthy weights. Water has zero calories, so reaching for a bottle or glass of water instead of a soda, lemonade or another caloric beverage can help people keep the pounds off.

Water helps to fight fatigue. The fatigue-fighting properties of water are another of its lesser known benefits. When the body is not adequately hydrated, it can experience muscle soreness. And fitness enthusiasts who do not drink enough water may notice their bodies require extensive recovery time after working out.

Water can improve the appearance of the skin. Skin that does not get enough water can turn dry and flaky and feel tight. In addition, dry skin is more likely to wrinkle than adequately hydrated skin. Getting water to the skin can be tricky but applying a hydrating moisturizer within two minutes of leaving the bath or shower and drinking at least eight glasses of water a day will ensure the skin is getting enough water.

Water helps the gastrointestinal tract. Water can help maintain normal bowel function. When the body lacks sufficient fluid, the colon will pull water from stools in an effort to stay hydrated. That can lead to constipation, a condition in which people experience difficulty emptying their bowels. By drinking enough water, people can ensure their colon will not have to pull water from stools to stay hydrated, thereby helping them stay regular.