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Soaking in living water

This is a very wet time of year in our city. It seems that rain continues to fall day after day with hardly a break in sight. For those of us that don’t head south, we weather the storm, sigh and dream of warm sunshine.
This is a very wet time of year in our city. It seems that rain continues to fall day after day with hardly a break in sight. For those of us that don’t head south, we weather the storm, sigh and dream of warm sunshine.
One could look at things from a different perspective. Water is vital to life. It keeps our trees and fields green. It is a wonderful gift from God. Jesus actually promised that we could have more than temporary rain showers just for the asking.
While visiting with a woman at a well in Samaria, Jesus said to her: “…but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” (John 4:14).
Jesus, of course, was referring to himself. This was a woman that was lost. She was considered so sinful that she had to draw water in the heat of the day when she could be alone. This didn’t deter Jesus. He knew the water from the well would soon run dry. But through repentance of sin, and belief in him, she could have living water, which is eternal life.
Maybe you think you are beyond the reach of God. Your past may haunt you. Your actions disappoint you. 
But when you see the rain continue to fall, remember that Jesus offers water that never runs dry. He loves you. He wants you to have eternal life.