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Sorority supports Ladner Boys & Girls Club with birdhouses

The Beta Lambda Master chapter of Beta Sigma Phi raised $150 selling birdhouses, made by Larry Rossiter, to go towards the Ladner Boys and Girls Club’s after school snack program.
The Beta Lambda Master chapter of Beta Sigma Phi raised $150 selling birdhouses, made by Larry Rossiter, to go towards the Ladner Boys and Girls Club’s after school snack program. Pictured left to right are: Joyce Parker, Luuli Robertson, Joan Rossiter, Helena O’Toole, Matt Thom, Alice Barnes and Barbara Wood.

The Beta Lambda Master chapter of Beta Sigma Phi raised $150 selling birdhouses, made by Larry Rossiter, to go towards the Ladner Boys and Girls Club’s after school snack program. Pictured left to right are: Joyce Parker, Luuli Robertson, Joan Rossiter, Helena O’Toole, Matt Thom, Alice Barnes and Barbara Wood.