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Spinoza bear offers therapy

Tsawwassen Legion first vice president Gary Bain and member Eve Edmundson recently presented Amber, a Legion member’s granddaughter, with her very own Spinoza Talking Bear.
Tsawwassen Legion first vice president Gary Bain and member Eve Edmundson recently presented Amber, a Legion member’s granddaughter, with her very own Spinoza Talking Bear. Talking Spinoza Bears have been given to children identified by their health care professional through agencies such as B.C. Children’s Hospital, CNIB, Ronald McDonald House, Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and others. Spinoza is a therapeutic talking bear that, through a hidden speaker and CD player, will tell Amber stories and sing songs to her.

Tsawwassen Legion first vice president Gary Bain and member Eve Edmundson recently presented Amber, a Legion member’s granddaughter, with her very own Spinoza Talking Bear. Talking Spinoza Bears have been given to children identified by their health care professional through agencies such as B.C. Children’s Hospital, CNIB, Ronald McDonald House, Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and others. Spinoza is a therapeutic talking bear that, through a hidden speaker and CD player, will tell Amber stories and sing songs to her.