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Delta author releases new book – Garbage Day

The Novella that started - and ended civil war sparked by environmental crisis
Friesen Press is excited to announce the release of Garbage Day by Delta author Domenic Pappas. Photo courtesy Domenic Pappas

Friesen Press is excited to announce the release of Garbage Day by Delta author Domenic Pappas.

Garbage Day is a compelling climate fiction novella that ransacks the outlook of environmental crisis and societal upheaval.

“When you put all of them together, it looks as though there is hope, not only that they can win the battle, but that they can be resourceful.”

In Garbage Day readers are transported to a world where the pressures of climate change and road rage collide with explosive consequences. As tensions rise, environmental impact is blamed on everyone but the accuser.

As the conflict mounts, Garbage Day offers a dark and humorous exploration of power and morality on the quest for environmental justice. Similar to human history, death and destruction pave the path to change.

Eugenio Violante wears two fedoras—one as the Don of La Cosa Nostra, the other as the owner of Wastefellas Garbage Co. Chuck McBinny, a troubled employee of Eugenio’s enterprise, is the spotlight of the public’s newest outrage due to recent media backlash.

As tensions escalate, a civil war ignites.

Wastefellas Garbage Co and its mafia counterparts take on the townspeople.

Highly equipped for battle, though vastly outnumbered, Wastefella’s Garbage Co makes its final stand against the town.