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Film urges action on climate change

Hot off the film festival circuit, there will be a free showing of This Changes Everything tomorrow afternoon at the Kin House in Ladner.
The local chapter of the Council of Canadians will screen Naomi Klein’s This Changes Everything tomorrow in Ladner.

Hot off the film festival circuit, there will be a free showing of This Changes Everything tomorrow afternoon at the Kin House in Ladner.

This Changes Everything is based on the best-selling book by author/activist Naomi Klein and is a call to action on climate change.

The film adaptation, which is directed by Klein's husband/filmmaker Avi Lewis, features stories of those around the world who are taking on corporate polluters at the grassroots level and those seeking a more sustainable way of life.

"The film had a sold out showing at the Vancouver International Film Festival in October and a special arrangement with the distributor has allowed us to bring it here quickly," says Jennifer Thoss of the Delta chapter of the Council of Canadians, sponsors of the event.

Thoss says the film asks the question: What if fighting climate change is the best chance we'll ever get to build a better world?

"So ultimately it is a hopeful film," she says.

There will also be a short slide presentation by chapter member Bob Ages on the Unist'ot'en Camp, Indigenous resistance on the route of pipelines in northern B.C. It is an example of grassroots action that is talked about in the film.

There will also be refreshments and raffle prizes.

It gets underway at 2 p.m. at Kin House, 5050-47th Ave. (next to the Ladner Pioneer Library).