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Learn and grow with Delta Choral Society's new artistic director

Williams brings with him a wealth of experience and expertise.
Photo courtesy Delta Choral Society John Williams is the new artistic director of the Delta Choral Society.

The Delta Choral Society is seeking members who will benefit from their newly hired and highly talented artistic director, John Williams.

Williams brings with him a wealth of experience and expertise. He has a Master of Music

degree in Choral Conducting from the University of Washington, where he studied as a scholarship student. His long list of accomplishments includes conducting many kinds of choirs and ensembles: chamber, concert, jazz, gospel, and mass choirs, and directing orchestras and band ensembles of many types, including musical theatre productions.

Delta Choral Society president Nancy Chouinard describes John as an experienced and gifted musician and, even more importantly, a patient and good-natured leader.

“He is someone who makes us all into better singers, and we have such a joyful time making music together,” she said. “He has led us back to our happy place! Our May concerts were full of energy and had audiences and singers beaming. It was just so much fun.”

Williams says it is a great delight to be the new artistic director of the Delta Choral Society. “I am really excited about the coming season with all three of our choirs,” he said. “Our Christmas concert will have something for everyone and will be a very joyful, beautiful, and festive concert with music in several styles. Feeding off the contagious energy and momentum of our more recent spring concert, the coming year’s performance season promises to be wonderful.”

The Delta Choral Society has three choirs - the Children & Youth Choir, an Adult Community Choir, and a smaller auditioned Chamber Choir for advanced singers.

While developing your singing skills and musical ear, you will benefit by meeting new friends, relieving stress, and keeping your mind sharp. For your children, singing in a choir facilitates learning and memory, develops a musical ear for melody, harmony, intonation, and rhythmic skills, increases attention span in the classroom, and supports language learning. You will also benefit by being part of an organization that aims to positively impact the community, raise funds for organizations, and participate in events.

The Delta Choral Society looks forward to seeing you at their fall registration on Monday, Sept. 11, at the Benediction Lutheran Church. 5575 6th Avenue, Tsawwassen. The times are 4:45 p.m. for the Children and Youth Choir, 6 p.m. for the Adult Community Choir, and 7:30 p.m. for the Chamber Choir.

For more information, visit the Delta Choral Society at:
