Local author David Anderson has just published his first book Storytales.
The book is a collection of short stories from “the times when the music was great.”
In the book you will read about:
A woman who stiffs her drycleaner for a $1,600 bill
A young boy who restores a steam powered artificial intelligence machine
A teenage bank employee who absconds with $7,000 in coins
An almost middle-aged man who attempts to find his way back to his childhood sweetheart
Hippie freaks have the party of the century
Someone’s mother grows pot
The author has hired the American Institute of Story Valuation to assess the stories and they have determined that the average value of each stories is $2.83 US. With 18stories included for $16.99 this is a true bargain.
Anderson is a resident of Tsawwassen, a Rotarian, and the co-founder of Santevia Water Systems Inc. in Tilbury. He is now retired and has been keeping busy awakening his creative side. He has always been a storyteller, first oral, then written, then a dozen years performing stand-up comedy including a number of times on stage at the South Delta Baptist Church raising money for the Evangelical Church for Ghana.
He has been blessed with the ability to make people laugh, and his adventurous life has provided much material for his yarns.