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Delta Hospital receives major gift from BMO

Ultrasound room in diagnostic services expansion will be named in recognition of $75,000 donation
On hand for the cheque presentation are (from left) Veronica Carroll (Delta Hospital Foundation), Allan Baydala (foundation), Debbie DaSilva (BMO), Lisa Hoglund (foundation), Henry Donkers (BMO), Dean Frechette (BMO) and Craig Brigidear (BMO).

The Delta Hospital Foundation announced recently that in recognition of a $75,000 donation, the BMO Financial Group Ultrasound Room would be part of the upcoming diagnostic services expansion.

Every year more than 6,600 patients come to Delta Hospital for an ultrasound, a lifesaving piece of equipment that can help physicians understand what is happening internally for a patient, whether it’s diagnosing cancer or showing an image of a new life.

The new ultrasound room will be part of the $12.5 million expansion to Delta Hospital, with the addition of the Peter C. & Elizabeth Toigo Diagnostic Services Building, which will house the medical imaging and laboratory departments.

“Looking out for our communities is an important part of who we are as a business, and has always been central to our growth,” said Henry Donkers, a regional vice-president for BMO Bank of Montreal.

“We know how important health care is, and how important Delta Hospital is to the community here. When we heard that the hospital was expanding and that this would mean easier access to efficient health care, earlier diagnosis and treatment, and expanded services, we were only too happy to help.

“We are so excited to have BMO on board as a new donor,” said Lisa Hoglund, individual giving manager for the hospital foundation.

“BMO has a huge impact on communities across Canada and their support of the Delta Hospital expansion will make a world of difference for health care in Delta.”

The hospital foundation is now in the homestretch of its fundraising campaign, with only $750,000 remaining to reach its $12.5 million goal.