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Little Dreamers helping put sleep issues to bed

Sleep Sense consultant opens service in Tsawwassen

Sleep is important.

Just ask Little Dreamers Consulting owner Jill Parker.

"My main goal is to have babies and families be as happy and as healthy as they can be, and without the sleep component, they just can't be," says Tsawwassen's Parker, a certified Sleep Sense consultant who officially launched her home-based business in early February.

Parker offers services to families whose children are having trouble sleeping through small group seminars as well as private consultations.

She educates families on the importance of sleep and creates a sleep plan considering the child's needs after a detailed assessment.

Parker goes over the plan with the family, answers any questions and then provides one-on-one follow-up as families implement the plan.

Typical ages range from birth to five years.

Parker also offers private consultations via phone or Skype.

Parker trained as a sleep consultant under Dana Obleman, an author and creator of the Sleep Sense program. She used Obleman's services to help with her younger son.

"It was something I felt I could do well, I was passionate about, and I knew it worked."

She said sleep is a hot topic for parents and there are many methods out there.

"I can help parents make sense of all the conflicting information out there."

Parents might need a sleep consultant's help if their kids need nursing or feeding to fall asleep, use a pacifier to fall asleep or need to be rocked, held or go for a car or stroller ride in order to sleep.

"Part of my services is helping parents teach the baby the internal skills to be able to fall asleep and stay asleep," said Parker, who's also the sleep consultant for local business DEME Pre and Postnatal Services.

She recently held a free mini-seminar at Buttercups Children's Boutique in Ladner and another at Mommy and Me Clothing in Tsawwassen.

Parker can be reached at 604-319-0207 or via email at [email protected]. Visit her website at for more information.